What You Should Have Checked in a Home Inspection

Home inspections are often needed before purchasing a house or selling one. It is important that a homeowner knows what should be done during the inspection. There are a few essential parts of the home that must be checked, including electric fixtures/wiring, plumbing and structural support.

Electric Fixtures and Wiring

Hiring a licensed electrician Middle Island NY can be a great way to make sure that your electric fixtures and wiring are up to standard. House fires can be started by faulty wiring, and it is important that homeowners be protected from these dangers. Any suspicious electric fixtures should be replaced immediately, and it is not a bad idea to have an electrician come out periodically to check the home.


There are few things worse than a house flooding due to inadequate plumbing. Before selling your house or purchasing one, you should have a plumber come check all piping. He or she can help detect any leaks in the plumbing before they get too bad. Bathtubs, sinks and toilets should be checked periodically to make sure that everything is in working order.

Structural Support

A contractor should check the foundation and other structural supports of the house. The home should be investigated for termites and treated if needed. Cracks in the walls or foundation should be addressed as soon as noticed. Walls and doors should be checked periodically to ensure that they are in good condition. 

Having a home inspection done does not have to be difficult when you know what should be addressed. You can feel confident that your home is in good condition once all of these things are thoroughly examined. For those considering an inspection, careful research should be done to see what services are needed. Certain states or counties may have specific regulations for home inspections.

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