Reference: Tashi Rodriguez
Latest digital painting by Naomi. She’s busy with her online job that she rarely has time to complete a personal project like this one. #artph #artinmnl #art_ph #art_collective
Latest digital painting by Naomi. She’s busy with her online job that she rarely has time to complete a personal project like this one. #artph #artinmnl #art_ph #art_collective
Naomi received the Best 2D Artwork award at the SPOTLIGHT: Digital Arts Project and Presentation Exhibit 10.0. The award was given on May 20, 2016 at T905 Tech Building FEU Institute of Technology.
Grabbed from N’s Instagram account
Sharing a new digital art by N. She uses Photoshop for this digital painting. This was her entry to @artwhale.ph contest.  #PaintYourPeoplePh #artwhaleph #artph #art2017