Tag Archives: Christmas

Preparing early for Christmas

It’s not even half way through the year yet, but I think it’s good to be ahead of your schedule to prepare Christmas Party Invitations for families, friends, classmates or officemates. You’ll never know when you will be swamped by work and too busy to go to the mall, so there’s nothing wrong to prepare early.

I know some friends and former officemates who shop as early as September or as soon as they received their mid-year bonus to avail mall sale. They buy clothes in bulk to get bigger and better discounts. For the thrifty or more practical ones, they make and design their own gift items. It saves them cash and adds a personal touch (depending on the recipient’s personality) to the gift.

Christmas gathering for mommy bloggers

My blog pal and kumare for life, Pehpot is cooking up a Christmas party among mommy bloggers early next month. There is no definite place yet, but I’m sure it’s going to be a well-attended occasion especially for mommy bloggers who have yet to see each other in person. I’m excited to meet these beautiful mommies too. I hope those living in the Visayas and Mindanao region as well as those scheduled to fly to the United States for their Orlando vacation will make it to the happy gathering of mommy bloggers. I can’t wait to see you all soon!