My new sassy look!

Sketches has its own unique design, finally!

Thanks Marce K for making a crisp and neat template for my blog. I fell in love with the layout the moment I set my eyes on it. I love the combination of brown and bronze. It’s simply gorgeous!!

The cute signature has added to the blog’s uniqueness. I also love the smiley favicon and the badge that represents my blog. I also adore the dainty look of my comment box.

If you want to have the same original blog design like mine, simply look for the blog design diva. She’ll dress your site the layout that is definitely a cut above the rest.

Kaye also maintains the following fab sites. Check them out.

WAHMaholic Designs


15 thoughts on “My new sassy look!

  1. Mylene

    Lovely Mommy!

    I thought powered by Word press na itesh, malulungkot sana ako kasi sa iba ka na naghost 😀

    Love your the new look of your site mommy!

  2. w0rkingAth0mE

    i like your new template and the combination of the colors, by the way is blog design diva works on blogger, thanks.

  3. Yami

    @Mylene: thanks sis. blogger na ito para cost cutting. hehe.

    @Workingathome: thanks. Yes, Kaye, the blog designer works on both blogger and wordpress set-up.

  4. Yami

    Riz: syempre pwede kang pagawa. just contact K. she'll be glad to do a nice layout for you. 🙂

    Bonz: thanks. 🙂

    Clarissa: the one and the only K with an eye for beautiful blog design. 🙂


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