Glee cast cartoon

This is the first time that my daughter try her hand at doing cartoon characters. Being a Glee fan myself, I’m happy to find out that she chose to draw some of her favorite Glee personalities namely,  Rachel, Finn, Quinn, Puck, Artie, Tina, Santana, Brittany, Mercedes, and Kurt.   🙂

By the way, we watched Glee 3D Concert Movie last Saturday and we really enjoyed the awesome performance of the whole gang – despite having to shell out a little over P1,000 for the movie ticket. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Glee cast cartoon

  1. kris

    hello i love glee btw and i love this pic i just got a qusetion can you draw me one bc im not good at drawing at all and it looks like you are really really good at drawing but i wanted a blanie and kurt one i cant find it no where lol well plzz email me thanks!!!

  2. Pingback: I miss her drawings | Sketches

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