Only if you know how to balance your time between homework, television and computer. This is for you lad.
Category Archives: Inspirational
Educational items
These items will go to Marce Jadey’s Paper and Pencils for A Cause project.
(from left, board games, posters, flashcards, books)
The beneficiary of the project are students of Estrella Village Elementary School. There are at total of 186 students attending the school at the moment:
Kindergarten 16 boys, 16 girls – 32
Grade 1 -3 – 77
Grade 4-6 – 77
They need the following school supplies. :
Paper/ Notebooks
Pencils/ Pens
Picture books for the Pre schoolers
Elementary books
School bags/ any bags that can be used for this purpose (doesn’t need to be new as long as it’s usable)
Blackboard Eraser
Children Scissors
Pencil sharpeners
Working Computers
Let’s make a difference to the lives of these kids. Be an instrument of blessing. Visit the link above to know more about this compassionate project.
On Kids and Friendship
Friendship is such a wonderful thing. It makes you smile, it makes you sing. Heck, it even makes me rhyme! They help lift your spirits when you’re down, and do all they can to wipe away your frown. Ok, that’s enough rhyming for now…
It’s never too early to teach your kids the value of friendship. At a young age, friends for them may simply mean playmates. As they grow older, they realize that friends do more than just have pillow fights with you. Friends listen when you have a problem, and cheer you up on a gloomy day.
There are many ways to teach your kids to cherish the friends they have. For one, your daughter can send a friendship gift to her BFF at preschool. It doesn’t even have to be anything extravagant. She can give some of her fridge-art to her friend, or even make her a simple friendship bracelet.
More than play, kids do enjoy giving and receiving gifts from their friends. They don’t have to wait for a special occasion to come up. Every day is friendship day.