Category Archives: Family

Mister Fix it

I’m glad that hubby was able to promptly fix the network cable wiring that connects both laptop and desktop to the Internet, otherwise I will have difficulty sending my online work today. In times like this I only rely on my husband to fix things around the house especially anything that deals with computer and WWW. Even if he would give me instructions to do some minor troubleshooting over the phone, I still wait for him at home and then let him fix whatever it is to be fixed. 😀

Something for my mom

My mother looked after my kids when I was still working. I was confident to leave my kids at home with our helper because I know my mother was there to supervise them. Even if my mother live with us for a long time, I rarely gave her material things on special occasion. I gave her money to buy stuff for herself, but she ended up buying clothes and toys for my kids and my sister’s kids. That’s how generous she is. This year, I want to give a birthday gift mother would truly appreciate. I’m planning to give her a nice pair of eyeglasses to replace her old pair. She has been talking about her glasses, but too timid to request any of us for a replacement.