Category Archives: Family

Missing an old video

kyleI was searching for a blog post idea when I chanced upon an old video of ours while we were at the mall. There was background music and I think someone was playing a guitar. It could be that the one playing the burswood guitar was using a mic that’s why the music was loud enough to be captured in the video. The kids were still small and I was a lot slimmer then. It was fun seeing this video again. Good thing I was able to upload it on You Tube.

How to Help Children Cope with the Loss of a Loved One

Dealing with children can be hard but it can even be harder when children are exposed to situations that they have no control over. When a loved one dies, a child is usually confused because he/she does not understand the situation. Helping a child deal with loss can be hard especially if the adults are also dealing with the loss on their own.

In order to help children cope with loss, it is important that adults will take responsibility of explaining what death is to the child. It would have to be explained in terms that children will understand so that they can get a good grasp of what death is. Do remember that the explanation will highly depend on how old the children are. It is important to be honest and open and to make them realize that it is okay to feel sad or lonely because of what has happened.

Taking the Child to a Funeral

Do you think that it will be good for your children to be in a funeral? It will highly depend on you and your child’s age. Usually, children who are aged from 6 – 10 can already go because they already have a good concept of what death is but do remember that there are some younger children who may also have a deeper understanding of death.

Allowing Your Child to Say Goodbye

If the loved one is particularly close to the child, it will be important for the child to say goodbye. This will make things more final and will make it easier for the child to accept that the person will not be around physically anymore. Again, do not discourage children from crying or from feeling sad. Just remember to be there all the time to show that your presence is there to give comfort.

It might be best to take cremation services in Virginia so that you can be sure that your loved one is also in good hands while you are dealing with your loss and of course, dealing with the grief that children are also experiencing.

Image courtesy of Craftyjoe at

Top Activities for Preschoolers

The activities that are created for preschoolers are usually more advanced than the ones that toddlers are doing. This is because preschoolers are already at the age when they can already start learning more and they will be able to process things better than toddlers.

The activities that preschoolers have to do should still be fun enough so that even when they are learning, they do not feel like they are doing lessons. Rather, they will associate the lessons with activities that are fun and exciting.

A father and son may opt to do activities at home that may be more inclined to sports. Team sports may not be recommended yet because they can be a bit too daunting for preschoolers. One example of a sport that may be done is soccer. Remember to choose peewee soccer so that preschoolers will be able to grasp the fun of the game rather than become frustrated with the rules.

For those who believe that preschoolers should not be exposed to sports just yet, there are some activities that they can do instead.

  • Creating a Collage

Preschoolers will be able to understand that they can cut different types of paper or perhaps use different set of leaves in order to create a collage. This fun activity will surely be treasured by a lot of children especially if they are given the praise that they need for their efforts.

  • Creating Caterpillars

This is especially beneficial for toddlers who would like to learn more about colors. While giving instructions on each circle that will represent the caterpillar, preschoolers will learn more about the different colors available.

There are still other activities that preschoolers can surely do. Guiding children at this stage is highly important for their overall growth.