Category Archives: Education

Simple tips to make your online classes easier and productive

Sharing with you these important tips posted by CIIT, a digital arts school, on their website for students taking online classes. CIIT is where my son presently enrolled at.

Debunk the negative perceptions about virtual classes. Turn your semester into a productive one with these hacks that will surely boost your focus.

Photo by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash

Organize your desk

Clean your workspace and remove clutters that can distract your focus. It’s also best to move your desk in well-lit areas to help keep your senses awake and pump the energy you’ll need for the rest of the day.

Start a journal

Since all modules and quizzes can be done through online learning platforms, it’s easy for you to procrastinate. Then you’ll realize you need to rush all tasks to meet the approaching deadlines. Avoid this vicious cycle with the help of a journal. List all your tasks and sort them by priority. This will help you plan your week ahead and escape any reasons for dawdling.

Turn on your go-to playlist

Working with music on can be a hit or miss depending on the playlist. Play various songs and experiment on genres that can help you improve your focus. Some of these include lo-fi chill beats and study music playlists you can listen to online—and download for free.

Take short breaks

Unplug and refresh your mind. Allot 15-minute breaks in between your classes to help your brain cells recover and prepare for the next module. Grab some snacks or take a short nap before moving back to your desk and completing the rest of the tasks.

Find a study buddy

Studying alone can be quite boring, especially if you’re missing your friends at school. Worry no more! There are many web and mobile apps that you can use for free to meet your study buddy virtually. You can even form study groups and discuss the lessons like you usually do.


Preserving and Maintaining Sculptures

There are many famous sculptures that have lasted for tens of thousands of years. It’s absolutely possible to keep sculptures in good condition for an indefinite period of time. The sculptures just need to be stored and handled properly. Metal, ceramic, stone, and glass sculptures all require different forms of care. 

Photo by Daria Sheveleva on Unsplash

Stone Artwork

Some of the very earliest historical art pieces were made from stone. These works are less likely than others to be damaged by dirt. In fact, while cleaning is an important part of art conservation in general, carved stone can actually degrade much more rapidly if it is cleaned too frequently.

Skin oil can also stain the outside of the stone, which is why it’s so important for all art conservation experts to wear gloves when touching most sculptures. Gloves are especially important when glass pieces are involved. The stains might be even more noticeable and damaging.

Fragile Sculptures

There are plenty of sculptures made from glass that have lasted for a long time, even though they’re made from such inherently breakable material. Small factors can make a difference regarding sculpture conservation. For instance, experts who handle these pieces while wearing latex gloves are less likely to drop them. Some types of glaze are chemically reactive, but glass itself is more stable than materials like metal. 

Metallic Statues

People may think that metal statues and sculptures are easier to conserve than many others. However, while a sculpture like this might be comparatively more likely to survive a fall, these pieces have their own vulnerabilities. Metallic materials have a tendency to react with various chemicals in their immediate surroundings. Collectors and curators can prevent at least some of these chemical reactions by using the right protective coatings and managing the conditions of the sculpture’s display and storage environment. 

Three Things To Consider When Choosing a Preschool

According to studies by the nation’s top researchers, preschool helps prepare kids for success in kindergarten. So how do you choose the right preschool for your child? Parents looking for a preschool Redmond WA may want to evaluate programs based on the following areas: academic foundation-building, arts curriculum and development of socialization skills. A great preschool will offer a vibrant, dynamic curriculum in all three of these areas.

Photo by Gautam Arora on Unsplash

Building Academic Foundations

Look for a preschool that introduces your child to the subjects encountered during formal education. Preschool age may seem young to start learning about mathematics, geography, botany and biology; however, thoughtful teachers can introduce games, puzzles, memory activities and other tasks that foster a love of learning in young children. These teachings can form the building blocks of your child’s education.

Stimulating Arts Curriculum

Preschools with well-rounded curriculums generally offer enriching studies of the arts, including music. Research suggests that exposure to music education at an early age can be incredibly beneficial for young children and increase their capacity for learning. Engaging with the words and sounds in music can help children develop language skills later on. Besides music being cognitively stimulating, developing a love and appreciation for music can be satisfying in itself. When searching for the right preschool for your little one, look for a program with a stimulating arts curriculum.

Developing Social Skills

For many young children, preschool will be their first real social setting. At a great preschool, teachers can compassionately help children navigate social situations. Kids may be introduced to concepts such as sharing, working in groups and conflict resolution. Children often carry these skills with them to their kindergarten classrooms, setting them up for a smooth transition to school life.

Preschool is the first step in a child’s educational journey, providing fundamental skills and knowledge that can last a lifetime. Choose a school that will prepare your child for lasting success.